After many years, I've finally released The Distant, Book 1 of The Hope of Memory. Yay me! It's now available in trade paperback and eBook formats.

The trade is through CreateSpace. It's available both through the CreateSpace site and Amazon (US and many of their international sites). I'll add international store links to the Novels page eventually, but for now, here are the US ones:
- CreateSpace - Trade Paperback | $11.99
- Amazon US - Trade Paperback | $11.99 (though they already dropped it to $11.40)
- Amazon US - Kindle eBook | $2.99
You're probably wondering... why bother buying it through CreateSpace? Amazon is better!
Yes, it's better in terms of what you can get, but I will make a higher royalty through CreateSpace. So if you don't care about eBooks or Prime shipping, etc, then feel free to go that route if you wish.
For the Amazon version, I've enabled most of their features, because I can. The book has:
- Matchbook = If you buy the Trade paperback, you can get the Kindle eBook for FREE
- Kindle Lending Library = If you have Amazon Prime, you can borrow the eBook for FREE
- Lending Enabled = You can lend your copy of the eBook to other users
- KDP Select = Occasionally Amazon may offer the eBook for FREE for a limited time as part of a promotion
- No DRM = I don't care about DRM anymore
To use some of these features I have to make the eBook exclusive to Amazon for at least 90 days.
The New Cover
You may have noticed the cover is slightly different than what I previously posted. When designing the full wraparound cover for the paperback, the original format simply didn't work when it was right next to the spine. It worked for an eBook, but not a physical book.
So I played around with it a bit and came up with a new version I'm happy with. I also changed the background texture... I had to go out to the park and take some high resolution pictures of tree bark and stone that would fit the new size.
The Other Books
Update on the status of the other two books in the series. As I've reported before, the initial draft of Book 2, Wilders, is complete. Any further work on that has been put aside while I write the initial draft of Book 3, Rom Tar, which I started last month.
I haven't decided whether I'll do all of Rom Tar before going back to Wilders or not. I really only need to first half written to feel comfortable finalizing Wilders. We'll see.
For Rom Tar, I am trying something different when writing it. I'm still writing longhand, but instead of waiting for that to be complete before typing it up, I'm typing it up after every chapter or so. This makes me think about what I wrote and make any edits right away, rather than trying to figure that out with the whole book already written (which can be a pain, since changing something can have a domino effect... I had problems like that with The Distant).
The Hope of Memory Updates
2013-11-17 Rom Tar Progress
2013-08-31 The Distant Finalized
2013-07-14 Outlines and Previews
2013-06-17 Spring Cleaning
2013-04-29 Of Estimates and Editing
2013-03-30 Typing vs. Longhand
2013-02-07 Wilders Complete
2012-12-07 A Recent Break
2012-10-21 Chapter Names
2012-09-03 Book Two Midpoint
2012-07-31 Keep on Truckin'
2012-06-26 Book Two & Fourth Draft
2012-05-23 Third Draft Complete
2012-04-22 Expanding to a Trilogy
2012-03-10 Remembering & AutoHotkey
2012-02-08 Third Draft