The Apprentice Adept

1980-1982 by Piers Anthony

Retrospective complete: 2016-04-10 — 2017-04-25

The Apprentice Adept - The Retrospective

Anyone who's read my previous Retrospectives (The Wheel of Time and The Belgariad / The Malloreon) might have noticed a mention of Piers Anthony. He's another of the first set of authors I discovered as a...

The Apprentice Adept [1] Split Infinity (1980)

Well, it's certainly taken a while to post the first entry in this retrospective. You can always chalk it up to being lazy and busy with more "important" things (like work), but there's also a reason I wasn't entirely prepared...

The Apprentice Adept [2] Blue Adept (1981)

I wasn't expecting to like this book after forcing myself through the first one. It's been so long since I read Blue Adept, that I honestly didn't remember it at all.

But it's actually not too bad. And since I've conveniently...

The Apprentice Adept [3] Juxtaposition (1982)

I started reading this right away after finishing the second entry, Blue Adept. Like the others, over the years I had completely forgotten what happened in this book. It starts out alright...but unfortunately fizzles out and the endgame of the...

The Apprentice Adept - Retrospective Conclusion

So did I really just spend over a year trying to do this Retrospective on The Apprentice Adept? And it's only three books?

Man, I'm slow. Been busy with work and stuff, you know. Well...that and the fact that the trilogy...