World Notes

Update 28

Posted on 2016-10-13 by Brad Murgen

First off, all versions of The Distant and Wilders are available again. All issues have been fixed. Yay me.

Secondly, I'm still working on Rom Tar, of course, though it's slow going. I have tons of notes on details that I wanted to add into the book, but I'm having trouble working some of them in without it sounding forced. Others I've decided to not bother with (not important enough). Hopefully I can get them all taken care of by the end of the month and move on to the next draft. At that point the content will be set in stone.

World Notes

Thirdly, I've spent a lot of time during the last few months writing what I call "world notes". Basically the additional history and background that I hadn't outlined prior to writing the trilogy.

Most of this content will not be in the trilogy, but it's important that it's all there so I know where everything has come from. I'm also outlining what happens after the trilogy is over... that way I can work clues in now. So that way if I ever decide to continue the story (not out of the realm of possibility), it will make sense in the context of everything else and not feel out of place or tacked on.


And fourthly, I'm considering doing this for the first time. If you don't know what that is, check here:

I generally like getting a first draft done as soon as possible, and I'd really like to get a jump start on the next novel I have planned. But I also want to get Rom Tar finished so I can move on for sure and not have some other thing hanging over my head.

So I'm still undecided.

The Hope of Memory Updates


2017-01-02 Rom Tar Fourth Draft


2016-09-06 Status Report

2016-04-29 Wilders Released!

2016-03-20 Wilders Finalized

2016-03-08 Back Cover Summary

2016-01-12 Wilders is Coming

2015-03-04 The Real Editing Begins

2014-12-02 Rom Tar Complete

2014-04-04 Writer's Block

2014-01-28 Rom Tar & Goodreads

2013-12-15 Wilders Cover

2013-11-17 Rom Tar Progress

2013-10-11 The Distant Released!

2013-08-31 The Distant Finalized

2013-07-14 Outlines and Previews

2013-06-17 Spring Cleaning

2013-04-29 Of Estimates and Editing

2013-03-30 Typing vs. Longhand

2013-02-07 Wilders Complete

2012-12-07 A Recent Break

2012-10-21 Chapter Names

2012-09-03 Book Two Midpoint

2012-07-31 Keep on Truckin'

2012-06-26 Book Two & Fourth Draft

2012-05-23 Third Draft Complete

2012-04-22 Expanding to a Trilogy

2012-03-10 Remembering & AutoHotkey

2012-02-08 Third Draft