Wanted to quickly post the Wilders cover after putting it together this weekend. What does the symbol stand for? Well, if you've read The Distant, you'll know.
Wilders will be out in 2014 for sure, but I don't have any date set it stone. It depends on how much of Rom Tar (Book 3) I need write before feeling comfortable finalizing Wilders.
Rom Tar is coming along, at around 40K words now, 9 chapters done. Definitely a bit harder to write than the first two...

The Hope of Memory Updates
2014-01-28 Rom Tar & Goodreads
2013-11-17 Rom Tar Progress
2013-10-11 The Distant Released!
2013-08-31 The Distant Finalized
2013-07-14 Outlines and Previews
2013-06-17 Spring Cleaning
2013-04-29 Of Estimates and Editing
2013-03-30 Typing vs. Longhand
2013-02-07 Wilders Complete
2012-12-07 A Recent Break
2012-10-21 Chapter Names
2012-09-03 Book Two Midpoint
2012-07-31 Keep on Truckin'
2012-06-26 Book Two & Fourth Draft
2012-05-23 Third Draft Complete
2012-04-22 Expanding to a Trilogy
2012-03-10 Remembering & AutoHotkey
2012-02-08 Third Draft