It's been just over a year since my last The Hope of Memory update, and I'm pleased to announce that Rom Tar is essentially finalized! I need to create the trade paperback proof and do one more read through of that, but that's it. I'm happy with how it's come together.
I've been working on it since September 2013, and it's great to finally check it as done. This book was very hard to write, because it's like building a whole new world and society on top of the one we're already familiar with from The Distant and Wilders. And with the jumping around in time that the series does, I had to spend a lot of extra time on the details, making sure all the proper world building was done before feeling comfortable releasing it.
After eight official drafts, Rom Tar comes in at 171K words, making it the longest of the trilogy. That doesn't include the extra 20K of background notes I put together, nor the detailed list of named characters (257) in the trilogy, nor the huge spreadsheet of the complete timeline (that also details events before and after the trilogy for context) I had to make in order to stay sane.
In no way am I comparing this to popular epics of our time, like Wheel of Time and A Song of Ice and Fire, but I have a much greater appreciation now, after writing this trilogy, of what those authors have had to deal with in terms of world details and keeping track of characters and events, etc. I thought it was hard for just three books.
Anyway, Rom Tar should be out about two months from now.
Hop Limit
Part of why Rom Tar took so long to release, was that I took breaks here and there to write something else. I have to do this occasionally, I can't focus on the same thing for such a long time without getting burned out. It's best to step away and do something else for a while, then come back refreshed and ready to continue.
I've been writing a novel called Hop Limit, which is a standalone about the afterlife and the internet. I'm at 138K words of what will probably end up being 180K total. Much longer than I originally envisioned (wanted to stay under 100K), but with the way I write, sometimes the work takes on a life of its own, and I go where it leads me—which is always a better place.
The Hope of Memory Updates
2018-04-22 Rom Tar Released!
2017-01-02 Rom Tar Fourth Draft
2016-10-13 World Notes
2016-09-06 Status Report
2016-04-29 Wilders Released!
2016-03-20 Wilders Finalized
2016-03-08 Back Cover Summary
2016-01-12 Wilders is Coming
2015-03-04 The Real Editing Begins
2014-12-02 Rom Tar Complete
2014-04-04 Writer's Block
2014-01-28 Rom Tar & Goodreads
2013-12-15 Wilders Cover
2013-11-17 Rom Tar Progress
2013-10-11 The Distant Released!
2013-08-31 The Distant Finalized
2013-07-14 Outlines and Previews
2013-06-17 Spring Cleaning
2013-04-29 Of Estimates and Editing
2013-03-30 Typing vs. Longhand
2013-02-07 Wilders Complete
2012-12-07 A Recent Break
2012-10-21 Chapter Names
2012-09-03 Book Two Midpoint
2012-07-31 Keep on Truckin'
2012-06-26 Book Two & Fourth Draft
2012-05-23 Third Draft Complete
2012-04-22 Expanding to a Trilogy
2012-03-10 Remembering & AutoHotkey
2012-02-08 Third Draft